NaperCov Volunteer Form

There are countless ways to share your time and gifts through volunteer service. From ongoing service on one of our ministry teams to periodic events on and offsite, it is easy to find ways to be involved. Ministry group leaders are always looking for willing volunteers to help further our mission. Whether it’s helping to organize or staff a one-time event, serving regularly on Sunday mornings, or even making calls from home, there is something you can do to help.
Please select one option.
Please select all that apply.
What's Your Passion?

Examples provided are just a sample of ways to serve in that area of ministry. This form is not a commitment, but a way for staff to get to know you. We look forward to doing ministry together! 
Please select all that apply.
What Are Your Super Powers?

Please select all that apply.
Please select all that apply.
Please select all that apply.
Please select all that apply.
Please select all that apply.


There are countless ways to share your time and gifts through volunteer service. From ongoing service on one of our ministry teams to periodic events on and offsite, it is easy to find ways to be involved. Ministry group leaders are always looking for willing volunteers to help further our mission. Whether it’s helping to organize or staff a one-time event, serving regularly on Sunday mornings, or even making calls from home, there is something you can do to help.